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Home / International / La policière qui a tué un jeune Afro-Américain à Minneapolis a démissionné
Rex Features Ltd. do not claim any Copyright or License of the attached image Mandatory Credit: Photo by Shutterstock (11856162t) Brooklyn Center Police officer Kim Potter. Police body cam footage has been released showing black man Daunte Wright being pulled over on Sunday for a traffic violation in which he is in the process of being handcuffed by police when he struggles free and jumps back into his car. Brooklyn Center Police officer Kim Potter can be then heard shouting "Taser, Taser, Taser" as Daunte Wright gets back into the car but she then shoots him with a sungle bullet from a police handgun instead. Wright briefly manages to drive away as Potter says "Holy s***, I just shot him." Fatally wounded, Daunte Wright crashed the car a few streets away. At a press conference following the shooting, Police Chief Tim Gannon said the fatal shooting in the US city of Brooklyn Center in Minnesota was an accident. He said Potter meant to use a Taser but mistakently drew her gun instead. The officer was named as Kim Potter who has worked for Brooklyn Center Police for 26 years. Officer Kim Potter is pictured here in a photo of her posted on an "open" Facebook page. Daunte Wright, USA - 13 Apr 2021 Daunte Wright's death has sparked protests and a curfew has been declared. Crowds defied the curfew last night to gather for a second night outside Brooklyn Center Police headquarters where witnesses said some threw fireworks and bottles at officers who responded with tear gas and stun grenades. Tension in nearby Minneapolis has increased with the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin continuing, who is accused of killing black man George Floyd. Officer Kim Potter is/shutterstock_editorial_Daunte_Wright_USA_11856162t/Rex Features Ltd. do not claim any Copyright or License of the attached image/2104131625

La policière qui a tué un jeune Afro-Américain à Minneapolis a démissionné – (Dakar) L’agente qui a abattu Daunte Wright, jeune homme noir, dimanche à Minneapolis, aux États-Unis, a démissionné sous la pression, ainsi que le chef de la police locale, a-t-on appris mardi. Le conseil municipal de Brooklyn Center avait décidé que tous deux devaient quitter leurs fonctions.

Dimanche, Daunte Wright, un Afro-Américain de 20 ans qui circulait en voiture avec sa petite amie, a été tué au cours d’un banal contrôle lié à des plaques d’immatriculation invalides. Selon le chef de la police locale, il s’agissait d’un « accident »: l’agente aurait confondu son arme à feu et son Taser, un pistolet à impulsion électrique censé être non létal.

La mort du jeune avait mené à des manifestations très tendues dans cette ville du nord des États-Unis. Des dizaines de personnes ont été arrêtées.

La démission de l’agente et de son chef ouvre « une nouvelle phase », a espéré le maire Mike Elliott.


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